Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in The Holy Land

In an atmosphere of communion and fraternity, on December 7, 2023, the "Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in the Holy Land" was held in the Holy Family Co-Cathedral in Kuwait City, which was organized by the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia (AVONA) and by the Apostolic Nunciature.
In addition to H.E Archbishop Eugene M. Nugent, Apostolic Nuncio, and H.E Msgr. Aldo Berardi, Apostolic Vicar of AVONA, Representatives from different Christian denominations in Kuwait also participated in the Prayer Service; the Very Reverend Archimandrite Ephrem Toumeh (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Baghdad, Kuwait and dependencies), the Reverend Pastor Emmanuel B.J. Ghareeb (Chairman of the National Evangelical Church), the Very Reverend Archimandrite Bedros Manouelian (Patriarchal Vicar Armenian Prelacy of Kuwait and its Neighboring Countries), the Reverend Father Ardak Kihaian (Armenian Prelacy of Kuwait and its Neighboring Countries), the Very Reverend Archimandrite Boutros Gharib (Patriarchal Vicar Greek Melkite Catholic Church) and the Reverend Father John Jacob (Indian Orthodox Church). Furthermore, some Ambassadors and members of the Diplomatic Corps in Kuwait attended the service.

We are here in prayerful solidarity with all who are suffering the effects of this devastating war. We are here to raise our voices in prayer against the disorder of the world. We are called to love, to be present, to be alongside. To be faithful. To pray for our enemies, to build bridges across communities, to proclaim the good news of Christ... Our faith tells us that where there is death and despair, the Almighty can bring peace and hope, where there is darkness, he can bring light. This is why we are here. As Christians we believe in the power of prayer. We believe in the power of prayer to turn the hearts of leaders away from the logic of war and so-called military solutions to the ways of dialogue, reconciliation, and peace. For God everything is possible. Nothing is impossible to God. Even though the situation is dire, we must hope that peace is possible. We must 'hope against hope' as Saint Paul says.
S.E.R. Mons. Eugene Martin Nugent